by Robert Bartlett
The author of several books on medieval society and history, Bartlett
(medieval history, Univ. of St. Andrews, Scotland) introduces the
Middle Ages through eight major themes, which are then illustrated
by selections of medieval art. The arrangement is intriguing and thematic,
covering everything from religion, knighthood, and courtly love to
alchemy, daily labor, and ceremony. Many features make this book particularly
useful to students a 35-page biographical dictionary, time lines,
maps, a glossary, a bibliography, and a list of 22 web sites devoted
to medieval studies.

Oxford History of Medieval Europe
by George Holmes (Editor)(Paperback - March 2002)
Excerpt from page 95 "... crowned Charlemagne emperor of the
Romans. Probably no event in medieval history has occasioned more
scholarly comment, to less effect. Contemporary accounts ..."

Northern Crusades
by Eric Christiansen
Excerpt from Back Matter "... also A. von Brandt, `Recent Trends
in Researchin Hanseatic History', History, XLI (1957) On Livonia,
... under Danish Rule' in Danish Medieval History.- New Currents,
ed. Skyum-Nielsen and N. Lund (Copenhagen, 1981). ..." 
New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple
by Malcolm Barber
Excerpt from Back Matter "... or How to deliver a cavalry charge',
in Studies in Medieval History presented to R. Allen Brown, ed. C.
Harper-Bill, C. Holdsworth, ..." 
Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature
by David Wallace
This volume includes a verse translation of Beowulf, Chaucer's General
Prologue and five of the Canterbury Tales (including The Franklin's
Tale) with guides to grammar, syntax, and pronunciation, Sir Gawain
and the Green Knight, seventeen Middle English lyrics, ten popular
ballads, Everyman, and The Wakefield Second Shepherds' Play. 
Warfare: A History
by Maurice Hugh Keen
This illustrated book explores over 700 years of European warfare,
from the time of Charlemagne to the end of the middle ages (c .1500).
The period covered has a distinctive character in military history.
It was an age when organization for war was integral to social structure,
when the secular aristocrat was by necessity also a warrior, and whose
culture was profoundly influenced by martial ideas. Twelve scholars,
experts in their own fields, have contributed to the book. 
Would You Survive in the Middle Ages
by Fiona MacDonald
Fiona Macdonald is famous for writing beutiful books about the past.
She explains in a very friendly, clear and fascinating way how our
ancestors lived. Children who dislike history and who think that the
past is boring change their mind when they see the magnificintly illustrated
books Fiona makes. This book pulls you into the Middle ages and gets
you as close to the past as possible without a time-machine.
The New Penguin Atlas of Medieval History
by Colin McEvedy (Paperback - November 1992)
Avg. Customer Rating:
Other Editions: Paperback - November 1992 | See all (2)
Usually ships in 24 hours

World History the Easy Way: Ancient and Medieval Times to A.D.
1500 (Easy Way)
by Charles A. Frazee (Paperback - August 1997)
Avg. Customer Rating:
Other Editions: Paperback - November 1997
Usually ships in 24 hours
Excerpt from
page 465 "... weeks later in October 1303. For the first time
in medieval history, a pope had been publically humiliated by a secular
monarch. ..."
See more reference to medieval history in this book.

The New Cambridge Medieval History
by David Luscombe (Editor), Jonathan Riley-Smith (Editor) (Hardcover
Other Editions: Hardcover

The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades
by George Holmes (Editor)(Paperback - May 2001)
Other Editions: Hardcover | Paperback - September 1990
Usually ships in 24 hours

The Oxford Illustrated History of the Crusades
Description coming soon
Legends of the Middle Ages - available as a free eBook - download as a PDF
Related Links:
The Middle Ages
Videos on the Middle Ages
Websites on the Middle Ages